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How we are keeping it safe

· Face mask requirements
· Hand sanitizer’s available
· Private “bubble” bookings with own room entrances
· Private washrooms  
· No crowded areas
· Contact free check in/check out
· Contact tracing
· Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting

If you're thinking of traveling during the second wave of the coronavirus outbreak, you might be wondering: Is there a list of the safest hotels during the COVID-19 crisis?

Hotels are gathering spaces, often crowded with both staff and other guests. They are places where many objects — from remote controls to furnishings — are shared and reused by visitor after visitor, sometimes with mere hours in between. If these facts never raised red flags for travelers in the past, they likely will now, at a time when social distancing and sanitizing are top of mind. 

We want our guests to understand what we are doing today and planning for in the near future in the areas of cleanliness, hygiene, and social distancing so that when they walk through our doors, they know our commitment to their health and safety is our priority.

When it comes to our rooms, new cleaning protocols require that particular attention is also paid to high-touch, hard, non-porous surfaces like remote controls, toilet seats and handles, and telephones. All single-use items provided by the hotel but left by the guests will be discarded, and linens and towels are washed using the warmest permissible water setting. Among the recommendations are the widespread availability of hand sanitizer dispensers with no less than 60 per cent alcohol content and personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by all employees at all times.

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